Student Disability Services assists UMKC students with disabilities by providing academic accommodations and support services.
The Office of Equity & Title IX provides consultation related to disability accommodations in the workplace for all employees, including student workers, graduate assistants, staff, faculty and administrators, as well as all applicants for employment.
The Miller Nichols Library is committed to providing access to information and library resources for all users and has adaptive technology workstations with screen reading and magnifying software, scanner-readers, CCTVs and Braille embossers.
The Dental and Health Sciences Libraries are committed to providing services and assistance to all members of the UMKC community.
Materials on this website are available in alternate formats for those with disabilities that prevent them from accessing content.
For more information or to request an alternate format, e-mail, call 816-235-1445 (Relay Missouri at 800-735-2966 for TT users or 800-735-2466, voice users) or write Web Manager, 360 Administrative Center, 5100 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, Missouri 64110.